Friday, November 6, 2009

Dairy Price Stabilization Q&A

Question 3: As a member of Foremost Farms/National Milk Producers, I don't feel my opinion is represented on the milk pricing issue.

David F: NMPF has a board of cooperative members, employees, and dairy farmers from across the country. Dairy farmers are represented. National milk has a strategic task force working on the current situation - that force continues to work and evaluate options and propose a plan with legislative action and move forward.

David C: We have delegates that are elected - its important for producers to be sure they're holding their delegates responsible for their representation - talk to your folks and let them know how you feel. There's a lot of information available, but many farmers are unaware of the programs available. We need to provide that information in a meaningful form - we have to find a way for them to become educated so that when questions are asked theres an informed response that people can be satisfied with.

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