Saturday, January 2, 2010

Over 500 In Attendance At Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention

The convention is in full swing with the Senior Dairy Bowl Contest going on right now. In the junior competition this morning there were over 30 teams that competed, the final two teams that will be competing in the final round this afternoon are the undefeated Vernon county juniors and the Polka Dots from Polk County. This afternoon the princess luncheon was held where the Jr. Trip award winners were announced, graduates recieved their pins, and four princess candidates addressed the convention with their final interview questions. The four candidates in the running for the 2010 Wisconsin Holstein Princess and Attendant are Stephanie Nagel, Hillary Hartley, Cara Biely, Teresa Wyss.

Yesterday was a very busy day, it started with registration, getting acquainted with the Kalahari and visit with old friends. Juniors were allowed to enter their photos and crafts in the contest room. Dairy Jeopardy started right away with three content rooms for the Juniors Seniors and Intermediates. We also had several participants in the speaking contest. After that the juniors met for a junior forum and then broke into district caucuses. The night ended with water park fun. Check back for more details later on Award winners, Dairy Bowl Champions, Outstanding Boy and Girl, and Princess and Attendant.

Sincerely your Wisconsin Holstein Princess
Laura Elliott

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura
    Sounds like you all had a great convention!!! Who can I contact to receive award winners and pictures to post on Dairy Agenda Today. I would love for others who visit the site to see what you all have been up to. Your group is a great role model for the rest of the state's Junior associations. You can email me at or call me at 517-398-1957 Thanks!!! Melissa Hart
