Tuesday, September 13, 2016

#OneBlackandWhite - Lea McCullough and Rock-N-Hill Knucklebuck EX-94

If you work in the Registered Holstein industry, either as a professional that works off the farm or a producer/breeder, chances are high that one cow played a special part in making the decision to have a career in agriculture. This month, WHA continues the #OneBlackandWhite campaign, focusing on that one black and white Holstein cow that had an impact on one young breeder’s life.

Those that have ever met Lea McCullough know that her first love was none other than Rock-N-Hill Knucklebuck. A Skybuck daughter from EX-91 Tab (Knucklehead) x EX-90 Festor (Knotty) x VG-85 Rockman (Knothead), Knucklebuck’s memorable name was given by Lea’s dad, Mike, and was always one that caught people’s attention.

As a young girl, Lea always played with the hutch calves and led them all over the farm and in the barn. In the spring of 1997, she laid claim to Knucklebuck from a group of heifers Mike sorted for the kids to show. That spring Lea and her brother Pat each got a calf, and Lea, not knowing much at the time, picked the smaller calf (Knucklebuck). It took some grit to get her leading, but she eventually led like a champ and made her show ring debut at the Midwest Spring National, where she was second place winter calf and first junior.

From that point on, if the McCulloughs took cattle to a show, Lea made sure that Knucklebuck was on the trailer. As a calf and yearling, Lea took her to spring show, Harvard Milk Days, Green County Dairy Days and the Green County Fair, State show, State fair, Boone County fair, and World Dairy Expo (as a calf). Knucklebuck was Junior Champion or Reserve Junior Champion nine times as a heifer. Lea continued to show her in milking form as a two and three-year-old, and took her to shows several times as a dry cow.

Good old Knucklebuck was often the go-to showmanship heifer and was the kind of animal that loved to show. Lea remembers miles of walking, leading and cold baths that didn’t bother Knucklebuck, in addition to the poking and prodding of clipping that never seemed to phase her. When Lea and her cow entered the ring, she knew it was show time. The combo went to over 65 shows in her career – so many that Lea still has every piece of Knucklebuck’s registration paper memorized, from her birth date to her registration number.

Through her career, Knucklebuck gave Lea a lot of pride and joy, but there are unfortunately not many descendants left in the Rock-N-Hill herd. Her first calf was by One&Only Aero Arsenio, a March calf that Lea showed. She went VG-87 as a two-year-old, and she and Knuckelbuck were Reserve All-Wisconsin Dam and Offspring. The Arsenio had a Durham son that produced an EX-94 daughter for Lea’s brother, Chris. Knucklebuck had two full sisters, natural born calves named Knuckie and Knucklebun. Knuckie produced three daughters: a VG-87 Champion, an EX-90 Dundee and an EX-91 Stormin Norman. Knucklebuck herself had a Linjet son (KnuckleJet, VG-86) that was used as a jumper bull on heifers and produced one EX and two VG daughters. Knucklebuck’s lifetime production totals include 129,830 Milk, with 4.3% 5636F and 3.1% 4078P pounds.

The McCullough family always said, ‘with a name like Knucklebuck’… As it seems to go with the best cows, Lea was close to losing Knucklebuck three times. She was on a first name basis at the local veterinarian office, having surgery three different times. Lea learned at a young age how tough it was to have a sick cow and almost lose her. She spent many days and nights in her pen watching over Knucklebuck, and many tears, too. The cow was tough, and Lea truly believes she wasn’t ready to be done – that she had more plans in store for the duo.

On October 31, 2005, the McCulloughs had to put Knucklebuck to rest. She calved a few weeks early with a bull calf, and was all set after the evening milking. The next morning she was down and never got up again. The McCullough family has only buried two cows on the farm, and Knucklebuck was one of them. The entire family was attached to the cow, who now rests out in the pasture next to the farm sign and one of Mike’s 5E favorites.

The following spring show season wasn’t the easiest for Lea, and it was a few years before the McCulloughs used Knucklebuck’s #4 barn number.

Lea admits there were many life lessons learned during her run with Knucklebuck. “She taught me to never give up. She was sick, but she pulled through. She may have done well, but she also got beat a few times pretty good! I was disappointed, but she never did anything wrong. Knucklebuck was my ticket to some of the bigger shows, including state show and expo, which gave me the chance to meet a lot of people. Most importantly, she taught me that hard work at home paid off in the show ring. She was a little chunky, so we walked a lot of miles. She was black, so we spent a lot of time on baths trying to grow hair. Knucklebuck was always my sidekick at the shows, and we were always associated as a pair.”

As much success as Knucklebuck has brought to Lea through the years, her involvement across the industry has helped shape her as a professional as well. Lea has worked as a dairy cattle photographer with Cybil Fisher Photography for nine years. As a youth, Lea was involved with Junior Holstein and 4-H, where she not only showed, but was active in dairy bowl, judging and other activities. Judging, especially, has helped Lea in her career when deciding animals’ strengths and faults, and getting them set in front of the camera accordingly.

Lea’s travel through work led her to working different show strings through the years, and eventually led her to meet her fiancé, Steven. After spending a year and a half in Ohio, the pair has moved back to Wisconsin and are planning a December 2016 wedding. Lea has also taken her niece Rachel to some shows, allowing her the chance to travel, meet new people and see great cows.

Lea’s Wisconsin roots pulled her back home, and she now lives just 2.5 miles from her parent’s farm. She continues photographing full-time but has a lot of time to spend at the farm, helping whenever she can. From filling in for milking during field work to unloading straw or hay, Lea and Steven enjoy getting to Rock-N-Hill whenever possible. The McCullough family doesn’t show as much these days, but Lea still does when she can – it’s her project that she just can’t give up. In fact, she still takes care of the breaking, washing, and going to shows. The entire family helps out with everyday feeding and care, and doesn’t mind if Lea ‘cherry picks’ a few head to mess with for the summer.

Lea is excited to pass her knowledge and passion for the show ring on to her nieces and nephews, and admits the shows allow her more time with family. She hopes to teach them to do well and have fun, and so far the family has enjoyed a good time and success in the ring.

“Registered Holsteins, and especially Knucklebuck, has continued to keep our family working closely together. I have a career I love and an incredible man in my life, and Knucklebuck helped to lay the path. She was my one black and white.”

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

30th Annual Wisconsin Holstein Futurity

Seventeen bovine beauties graced the shavings at the Wisconsin State Fair Park on Saturday, August 13th to compete for the title of first place in the 30th Annual Wisconsin Holstein Futurity. Judging this prestigious event was Brian Behnke of Brooklyn, Wisconsin.  In this nontraditional show, the animals are entered three years prior to the show and only the best of the entries compete for the coveted title.

This year the coveted title was captured by Ernest-Anthony Sid Amelia, owned by Crescentmead Holsteins and shown by Sarah Wendorf of Ixonia Wisconsin. The Wendorf family received $1500 from our generous sponsor, Badgerland Financial. Amelia was also named best udder of the show and the top fat and protein production winner.

Following closely in second was Ryan-Vu Regin Raz A Taz, owned by Chad and Mark Ryan, Majestic View, and Crailoo Dairy Farm, and shown by Amy Ryan of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Raz A Taz won a $750 check from International Protein Sires. She was also named the first place bred and owned animal.

In third place was Rob-Cri Dempsey Secret, Exhibited by Gracelyn Jo Breitenstein of Plover, Wisconsin. Agropur presented Gracelyn and Secret with a check for $500. Gracelyn was also presented with the first place junior award, sponsored by Angela Davis-Brown of Ma-Brown Holsteins and Jerseys and $50 from the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association.
Even though the bovine beauties are truly looking their best, the exhibitors are dressed to impress. These exhibitors gave up their jeans and boots for a night of ball gowns and tuxedos to compete for the best dressed awards. All the exhibitors were looking their best and truly impressed the crowd. The Best Dressed Junior award and $100, sponsored by Frisle-Vu Holsteins went to Nicole Wright from Watertown, Wisconsin. Levi Kindshi of Loganville, Wisconsin received the Best Dressed Male award and $100 from Indianhead Holsteins. The Best Dressed Female of the night went to Courtney Ewert of Hustisford, Wisconsin along with $100 sponsored by Scenic-Edge Holsteins.

 Best Dressed Junior and Junior Breed and Owned

Best Dressed Male and Top Milk Production

Best Dressed Female

The night was led by the Master and Mistress of Ceremonies, Tim Natzke and Kristin Olson, to introduce distinguished guests and the bovine beauties. The distinguished guests included Wisconsin Holstein Association Princess Kati Kindschuh; Wisconsin Holstein Association Princess Attendant Paige Nelson; Alice in Dairyland Ann O’Leary; Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs Gloria Kesler; National Red and White Queen Mckenna Coffeen; and Green County and Dane County Royalty.

The Wisconsin Holstein Association Futurity is a very unique show with a unique mission.  The Wisconsin Holstein Association uses the futurity to help promote the dairy industry to the general public and display the first class care we provide our animals and dedication that we have for our animals and the products they produce. The Wisconsin Holstein Association Futurity was started to inform consumers about the dairy industry and Registered Holsteins.

The 30th Wisconsin Holstein Association futurity would not be possible without our generous sponsors. The Wisconsin Holstein Association would like to thank the major futurity sponsors, Badgerland Financial, International Protein Sires, Agropur, and Brian Greenman, Rural Mutual Insurance Agent, for helping to make this show a success. In addition to our very generous sponsors, we would also like to thank our committee members for all that they do when it comes to setting up and taking down the arena. We could not have such a successful event without your generous help.

2016 Futurity Final Placing
1st Place - Sponsored by Badgerland Financial     $1,500
Ernest-Anthony Sid Amelia
Sire: Pine-Tree Sid-ET
Owner: Crescentmead, Ixonia
Exhibitor: Sarah Wendorf
Best Udder of Show sponsored by East Central Select Sires
Top Fat & Protein Production sponsored by Brian Greenman, Rural Mutual Insurance Agent

2nd Place - Sponsored by International Protein Sires     $750
Ryan-Vu Regin Raz A Taz
Sire: Regancrest Reginald-ET
Owner: C&M Ryan, Majestic View & Crailoo Dairy Farm
Exhibitor: Amy Ryan
Best Bred & Owned sponsored by Lirr Farms

3rd Place - Sponsored by Agropur     $500
Rob-Cri Dempsey Secret
Sire: Lirr Drew Dempsey
Owner and Exhibitor: Gracelyn Jo Breitenstein
1st Junior sponsored by Ma-Brown Holsteins & Jerseys and WI Jr. Holstein Association

4th Place                     Hilrose Hero RaeLynn
Sire: Siemers Toys Hero 9701-ET
                                    Owner: Jeff Brantmeier
Exhibitor: Ashley Brantmeier

5th Place                     Milgene Bradnick Sledstorm
                                    Sire: Regancrest-GVS Bradnick
                                    Owner: Hildebrandt Family Farm LLC
Exhibitor: Courtney Ewert
                                    Best Dressed Female sponsored by Scenic-Edge Holsteins

6th Place                     Krull Redburst Holiday-ET
                                    Sire: Lookout P Redburst-Red ET
                                    Owner: Carley Krull
Exhibitor: Mariah Strauss

7th Place                     Mar-Linda-K Baby Rae-Red-TW
                                    Sire: Hylite Barbwire-Red-ET
                                    Owner and Exhibitor: Nicole Wright
                                    Best Junior Bred and Owned sponsored by Lirr Farms
                                    Best Dressed Junior sponsored by Frisle-Vu Holsteins

8th Place                     Rob-Cri Goldsun Sasha-ET
                                    Sire: Toc-Farm Goldsun-ET
                                    Owner: Robert & Christine Barden
                                    Exhibitor: Kimberly Jacowski

9th Place                     Hilrose Dempsey Paty-ET
                                    Sire: Lirr Drew Dempsey
                                    Owner: Jeff Brantmeier
Exhibitor: Andy Brantmeier

10th Place                   Indianhead Thority Brittany
                                    Sire: Comestar Lauthority-ET
                                    Owner: Gabriel Schauf
Exhibitor: Karyn Schauf

11th Place                   Miss Summer Moonshine
                                    Sire: Gen-Marla Stmatic Sanchez
                                    Owner: Dawson & Kylie Nickels & Landon T Wendorf
Exhibitor: Christa Wendorf

12th Place                   Ryan-Geiger GWAtwd Reaction
                                    Sire: Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET
                                    Owner and Exhibitor: Whitney Ebert

13th Place                   Rob-Cri Goldsun Sugar-ET
                                    Sire: Toc-Farm Goldsun-ET
                                    Owner: Michael & Julie Duckett
                                    Exhibitor: Bob Barden

14th Place                   Synergy Bradnick Haven
Sire: Regancrest-GV S Bradnick-ET
                                    Owner and Exhibitor: Levi Kindschi
                                    Best Dressed Male sponsored by Indianhead Holsteins
                                    Top Milk Production sponsored by Brian Greenman,
Rural Mutual Insurance Agent

15th Place                   Krull Braxton Haylee
                                    Sire: Regancrest S Braxton-ET
                                    Owner and Exhibitor: Carley Krull

16th Place                   East-Branch Braxton Mayme
                                    Sire: Regancrest S Braxton-ET
                                    Owner: Dennis Jarek
                                    Exhibitor: Kristine Jarek

17th Place                   Indianhead Apricot-Red-ET
                                    Sire: Braedale Goldwyn
                                    Owner: Jacob Schauf
                                    Exhibitor: Bob Schauf

Friday, August 12, 2016

7th Featured Futurity Entry

Featured Futurity Exhibitor: Indianhead Holsteins

Our final featured exhibitors come from Indianhead Holsteins. They will be exhibiting Indianhead Apricot-Red-ET and Indianhead Thority Brittany.  Indianhead Holsteins is located in northwest Wisconsin and is owned by Robert and Karyn Schauf. It is a multi-enterprise operation featuring a high type Holstein herd of 90 cows with a herd average of over 29,000 pounds of milk. The current BAA is 111.8 with 27 excellent cows. The dairy is located in the center of 1200-acres with 900 actual crop acres. They market snap beans, corn, rye, soybeans, and hay,

besides feeding the resident herd. Indianhead Holsteins also has a wood shavings business delivering over 2500 semi loads of wood by-product to dairy and poultry farms. They also supply wood chips for fuel.

The Schaufs have four sons:Christina in California who is works in marketing, Gabriel who teaches mortuary science at Milwaukee Area Technical College, Zach who has returned to Indianhead to manage the shavings business, and Jacob who works for the University of Minnesota. They are also blessed with three beautiful daughter-in-laws and two granddaughters. 

We are pleased to have the Schaufs exhibiting in the 30th Futurity, as they are the first winners of the Futurity. Please join us as the Schaufs take the shavings on August 13th at 6 p.m.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

6th Featured Futurity Entry

Featured Futurity Exhibitor: Christa Wendorf

The next furturity exhbitor comes from Crescentmead. Christa Wendorf will be leading Miss Summer Moonshine. Crescentmead sits on 1000 acres with 35 cows in Ixonia Wisconsin. Miss Summer Moonshine VG 85 is a Grand Daughter of Crescentmead Summer Breeze Ex 90 the All-American Summer Yearling 2006 and the Res. Jr. Champion at World Dairy Expo 2006. 

Christa and her husband, Todd, along with their children, Landon (6) and Mylie (3) are very active in the dairy industry. In the past Todd and Christa have been advisors for  the Dodge County Jr. Holstein Association for many years, Todd received the 2007 WHY Friend award 6yrs and over and saw countless kids achieve so many goals.  Also they were the Dodge County 4-H Judging Coaches for many years seeing kids to many different contest.  The highlight of this was seeing the team to the World Dairy Expo Contest and won, they had the opportunity to Judge in Scotland.  Todd has also done a fair amount of judging, he has judged many County Fairs, District and State Level Shows along with Judging all the Breeds at Wisconsin State Fair Jr. Show. He has also judged internationally in Peru.

 Christa has worked at Chili’s for 8 years and Loves raising their 2 children Landon and Mylie she also teaches Sunday School at their Church.  Along with helping wash and prepare the show string when able.  Christa is very proud of what she has done throughout the years being a part of the Wendorf Family. The love for Holsteins started at a young age showing for her Uncles Paul and Jim Melius.  With my mom by my side in Spirit I would like to thank them for all they have done for me.  Also a quick Shout out to my Brother and Sister-in-Law, they are expecting in November!!  

5th Featured Futurity Entry

Featured Futurity Exhibitors: Ashley and Andy Brantmeier

Our next featured exhibitors come from Hilrose Holsteins. Andy Brantmeier will be exhibiting Hilrose Hero Raelynn, and Ashley Brantmeier will be exhibiting Hilrose Dempsey Paty-ET. The farm sits on 1,100 acres in Sherwood, Wisconsin. The farm houses 350 head with 100 of those being milking cows. The herd has a BAA of 111.7 and a RHA of 30,182. Hilrose Holsteins was a Herd of Excellence from 2008-2013, and it has been home to several All-Americans and Jr. All-Americans. Raelynn being one of these All-Americans in 2013. The herd is currently home to several cows who have a 300,000-pound life time record and two cows who have over 400,000-pound life time records

Andy and Ashley have a 4-year-old daughter, Kylie. They are also a very active part of their local Calumet County Holstein Breeders, as well as Board members for the Calumet County CP Feed Futurity. Please join us as Hilrose Holsteins grace the shavings with their bovine beauties. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

4th Featured Futurity Entry

Featured Futurity Exhibitor: Whitney Ebert

Our next Futurity exhibitor comes from Ebert Enterprises. Whitney Ebert will be showing off Ryan-Geiger GW Atwd Reaction. Ebert Enterprises is run by the Ebert family, Randy, Renee, Jordan, Whitney & Britnay Ebert, along with the help of 45 valued employees. The farm sits on 7,000 acres in Algoma, Wis. with 3,500 cows. Ebert Enterprises will be hosting the 2017 Farm Technology Days in Kewaunee County.  Reaction was nominated Jr. All-American Winter calf and Winter Yearling, and she was All-Wisconsin Winter Yearling in 2014. Reaction also stared in the movie 60 Yard Line that is set to premier this fall!

Whitney is in her second year at UW-Lacrosse studying the field of exercise and sports science. She has a passion for distance running, and she is on the UW-Lacrosse Cross Country and the Track and Field Teams. Whitney plans to one day take over the farm with her brother Jordan. The Ebert Family would like to thank all the people that they have met and have helped their family in the Holstein Industry. Please join us to welcome Whitney and Reaction at the Futurity.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

3rd Featured Futurity Entry

Featured Futurity Exhibitor: Nicole Wright

Our next featured exhibitor is Nicole Wright showing Mar-Linda-K Baby Rae-Red-TW. Baby Rae is a EX- point HYLITE BARBWIRE-RED-ET daughter that traces back to Pinehurst Royal Rosa-ET.  Her dam is a VG-87 daughter by Advent who is a full sister to Castleholm Regina-Red EX-92 2E who was Nominated All-American Jr. 3 Yr. old in 2011. Nicole and her older sister Kayla, grew up in Jefferson County on their family farm-Mar-Linda-K Holsteins. The farm was established in 1989 when Nicole’s parents-Mark & Linda, took over the Klug-View Dairy Farm. Today, they operate a 300-acre farm and manage a herd of 90 homebred Registered Holsteins. They have earned many prestigious awards over the yeas such as: Progressive Breeder, production and quality milk awards, as well as winning the 2014 Wisconsin Holstein Futurity.

Nicole is a member of FFA, Jr. Holstein Association, Red & White Dairy Cattle Association and the Brown Swiss Association. She has won many awards in her various organizations including: Distinguished Junior Member, National Youth Achievement, Junior Progressive Breeder and Production awards. In 2014, Nicole was a National FFA finalist in Dairy Entrepreneurship Proficiency and a State Star Farmer in 2015. She is a recent graduate of UW-Madison Farm and Industry Short Course where she was a student ambassador. Currently, Nicole is employed at Statz Farm in Sun Prairie as a Parlor Manager and herdsperson. Nicole plans to continue to develop her herd of Registered Holsteins and Brown Swiss on her family’s farm. Please join us at the Futurity to watch Nicole and Mar-Linda-K Baby Rae-Red-TW grace the shavings.